Digital Marketing

Near the end of the year, I was invited to attend the Grow Your Business With Digital Marketing event, arranged by the Northumbria Enterprise and Business Support (NEBS) and held at the Northern Design Centre. This event focussed on the effective use of Google‘s AdWords and Analytics products, as well as business support opportunities offered by NEBS, such as their graduate internship program. Continue reading “Digital Marketing”

November Activity Report

For this series of entries, I will be explaining the steps I take in developing my startup during my placement year at the Northumbria Business Startup Hatchery. Hopefully, these monthly report-style blogs can be useful to someone in a similar position, who is looking to get started with developing their business idea.

There are less varied activities this month as each one required more time to complete. However, each activity had me exercising my skills and knowledge to build my professional presence and gain insight into which services/products I should focus on and which direction would be the most worthwhile pursuing. Continue reading “November Activity Report”

VR & Games in Education

A fortnight ago I got to spend time teaching two groups at Gateshead College. I had arranged with the staff an opportunity to present a lesson on computer/video games, VR and how they relate, which included activities and talks with their Level 2 Games students. The key objective of the session was to provide the students with insights and perspectives on an emerging technology and how that relates to their current studies and future career options. Continue reading “VR & Games in Education”

Newcastle 2065

At the start of October I worked on a project for a client, the Northumbria University Virtual Reality and Visualisation (VRV) group. The task was to adapt one of their existing videos from their Newcastle City Futures project, into something that could be presented to children of around 8 years of age.

This was a challenging commitment, as there were only two weeks until the deadline. Furthermore, collaborating with the client to produce an agreeable design would take half of that time, leaving around four working days for the development and production of the assets, as well as consolidating them into a final cut. However, this goal was made achievable through the use of tools and techniques I had learnt from my experiences in education. This also gave me the opportunity to develop my existing skills as well as acquire some new ones along the way.

Continue reading “Newcastle 2065”

Summer Report

For this series of entries, I will be explaining the steps I take in developing my startup during my placement year at the Northumbria Business Startup Hatchery. This entry is a reflective summary of my achievements and the difficulties I have encountered, in the form of a quarterly report. This includes identifying new skills or competencies I have acquired as well as explaining which existing ones I have applied or developed. To conclude I will explore areas for improvement, plans and actions for further work (e.g. learning, tasks, projects, etc.) which will inform my action plan for competencies and activities for the following quarter. Continue reading “Summer Report”