Despite today’s lesson on the new timetable being animation, Kaf was not available, so we had a productive session of project work with Martin instead.
I worked back over the assignment brief, expanding on my previous work, so I can meet the ‘merit’ and ‘distinction’ criteria for each learning objective. I still feel like I am often stepping outside of the scope of the given task. I find myself writing, reading and deliberating things which aren’t getting me any further forward. Asking Martin helped clarify my doubts and get me back on track, though our time in the class was over before it felt it had begun.
At this stage, I feel that conducting the research is of most importance and will help me establish a volume of work, which I can then structure and revise until complete. Interviews are going to need arranging, questionnaires need written up and templates made if I am going to get this assignment in full swing.